Become an Industry Leading Difference Maker!

I’m Ready to take it to the Next Level!

As a leader, do you ever…

  • Struggle to find balance in life so you can be the healthy, happy role model you know you need to be?

  • Wish you could make a bigger difference; better maximize your impact while personally feeling fulfilled and happy?

  • Find yourself striving to stay relevant and make your unique mark as a heart-centered leader?

  • Feel stuck, fatigued, burned out and/or undervalued when it comes to your work?

  • Wonder if there might be more opportunity for you, even another path that could use your current skills and passion?

I so get it.

As a fitness professional for over 3 years, I’ve felt my share of frustration and exhaustion, at times wondering what am I even doing?

Sometimes even feeling like a fraud who was teaching about health and wellness while myself not feeling physically, mentally and emotionally at my best. Can you relate?

And it's hard to always be "on" at every class, bringing your best so that your clients can become their best, right?

You want to help others, to maximize your positive impact in the industry; but, if you’re not putting your own well-being and growth first, you’re playing small.

And not only will you suffer but it will hold back those you’re hoping to serve as well.

Your well-being, growth and evolution will directly impact the success of your clients and community.  

What keeps most leaders from reaching their full potential is that they don’t take complete ownership of their own mind-body-soul growth.

You probably get all this and may even be thinking, “I should be able to figure this out myself!”

Yeah, I thought that at one time, too.

In 2006, I was struggling to stay healthy as I burned myself out trying to fulfill all the expectations placed on me - by others and myself. I thought…

“Hey, wait a minute! I’m a coach! I make my living successfully coaching and mentoring others. Shouldn’t I be able to coach myself?! Shouldn't I be able to figure this out?!”  

That’s when I learned the most important lesson of my career.

Coaches need Coaches.


Because no matter how good of a coach we are, we can’t coach ourselves.

From executives to athletes, those who excel; who are at the top of their game are there in huge part because they have a coach (or multiple coaches).

You see, we all have blind spots. And how do you fix a problem you can’t see?

A coach can objectively see and point out your blind spots in a way that lifts you up.

Coaches create a safe space to explore and ask the right questions for you to be able to gain clarity on your next steps.

When I turned to other coaches, mentors and teachers to help me focus on holistic well-being and growth for myself, a world of opportunities opened up, one after another.

This was fascinating and eye-opening for me. Some coaches I've worked with closely and others, I've never even met in person. Yet, it was their teaching, guidance and example that took me places I couldn't get to on my own.

I began to explore and learn not only about new ways to teach or improve my coaching ability, but started diving into positive psychology, personal development, spirituality, and wellness practices that lead to major changes in my life and work.

I was finally able to bridge the gap to embrace and experience complete well-being.

I became a better instructor, manager, educator, partner…I became a healthier, happier, better version of me…because I became a more empowered, more authentic version of me.

This allowed me to reach leadership milestones that were beyond my wildest dreams and achieve every desire I’ve ever had within this industry.

By allowing myself to be coached and mentored, I’ve become – and will continue to become – a better coach for you.

Now, it’s your turn.

You can decide today to become the best coach and mentor you can be to best serve those you want to serve and, in return, experience the success and fulfillment you dream about…live the happy life you want to be living.

All you have to do is be open for learning.

You show up with that openness – I can take you to the next level.

And that's important to me because...

So, I want to share my over 30 years of experience, learning and breakthroughs so that you can be empowered to reach the next level of success for yourself both personally and professionally…and in turn empower others to do the same!

If this speaks to you, my friend…

Allow me to welcome you to the NEXT LEVEL! Next Level Leadership is a powerful online, on-demand course created especially for heart-centered leaders who want to thrive while helping others live their best lives. It incorporates both professional and personal development designed to assist you in creating success and fulfillment while maximizing your potential and positive impact.

As leaders, we challenge people every day to tap into something within them that helps them bring out their best. Through this program, my commitment is to bring my A-game to do the same for you!


Here’s What’s Covered Inside The Course…

It’s important during this process to start with the end in mind. We’ll dive into a powerful exercise that will help you create clarity around the vision for what you want your life and work to look like…one that gets you excited to jump out of bed every day. And then the vision quest begins…

It’s really important that you first understand one thing when it comes to progress, growth and well-being – you are so, so much more than your body. Get ready to learn about the Wheel of Well-Being and how you can use it as the holistic advantage for both you and your clients/students!

If it really matters to you that you make  a positive impact in the world, then extreme self-care MUST be your top priority. In this module, you’ll learn why that is as well as simple things you can do to create opportunities for flow and ease. Let’s ensure your cup is not only full but overflowing!

Your personal brand is how you distinguish yourself in a very loud, crowded, and chaotic industry and culture. This module will teach you the critical elements needed be able to own who you are and what your message is so you can successfully share it with the world!

What lights you up? Is it getting better at what you’re already doing? Great! Is it challenging yourself to do something different? Awesome! Let’s dive into how to align your purpose with career path so that you can elevate your perspective, hone your focus and make a greater impact in everything you do!

Adopting the concept of Kaizen is a game-changer. This is a proven philosophy that focuses on progress over perfection. I’ll help you understand how using the Kaizen approach in everything you do will help you find ease and confidence as well as consistent positive momentum.

And getting to this great info couldn’t be easier - it’s accessible from any device with internet capability!

The Next Level Leadership Program Provides You:

  • The Next Level Leadership Course Packed With 6 Powerful Modules Of Experiential Learning & Growth!
  • An Incredible Study Group & Community (because everything’s more fun with friends!)

  • Continuing education credit for Fitness Pros! 0.8 CECs for ACE, 8.0 CEUs for AFAA,  and 0.8 CEUS for NASM.
  • BONUS Training! “Creating Connection to Build Community”.
  • BONUS Training! “3 Steps to Unshakable Self-Worth”. 

With VIP Option, You’ll Receive Everything Above PLUS:

  • A 1-on-1 Post-Course Strategy Call with Kimberly to solidify your plan and next steps.

“I’ve been a fitness professional since I was 19 years old and I’ve been blessed with countless opportunities to work in various roles with some of the most amazing companies and people in the industry. When it’s all said and done, I can honestly say there is no greater feeling for me than seeing one of my peers who wants to make a difference own their greatness so they can experience success in their work and fulfillment in their life.

You CAN both live and work from your heart.

You can make a positive impact on the lives of others AND live your happiest life at the same time.

I created the Next Level Leadership Program to be able to share what I wish I had known and learned along the way so others can avoid common traps and create both a career and a life they love while incorporating the skills and passion that ensure true fulfillment and joy every step of the way.”

Regular - Pay In Full
VIP - Pay In Full
VIP - Payment Plan

You being happy with this program is important!

If you don’t feel it has benefited you, simply send an email to

[email protected] that says, “this wasn’t for me”.

Just show you did the work and you’ll receive a full refund.

Experience What Many of Your Peers Have Experienced:

Kimberly’s positivity and genuine interest in me left quite the impression.  I felt inspired, which is something I hadn’t felt in a long time.  My confidence in my ability increased as did my self-esteem and self-worth.  I am now happily doing exactly what I want with my life and will always be forever grateful to Kimberly.

~Holly K.

Kimberly’s coaching opened the door for me because so many things she taught really got me to see what was possible.

~Raeanne N.

Working with Kimberly, I’ve really grown as a person.  She is the shining example of a true leader, changing the lives of everyone she meets for the better.  Kimberly leads from the heart and I am extremely proud and grateful to call her my mentor!

~Kaycee D.

There are few I know who have equal parts vision, execution, heart and integrity. She is driven by purpose, fueled by authenticity and powered by doing the right thing, simply because it is the right thing to do. Whatever your need, whatever your vision, whatever your challenge, Kimberly is the person you want at your table to help you figure it out and get it done. 

~Petra K.

I’ve learned firsthand that Kimberly has an uncanny knack to see the best in you before you even have a glimmer of awareness of it yourself. She is generous with her time, steady and even keeled, with a wicked sense of humor that seems to come out of nowhere and send you into fits of laughter. This is one special person. I’ve met no one else like her.

~Donna T.

Here Are Some Commonly Asked Questions…And Their Matching Answers, Of Course:

What is Next Level Leadership?

NLL is a powerful online program created for leaders who want to make a huge positive impact on others but also want to enjoy an amazing, happy, balanced life. It provides the knowledge, tools, inspiration and support leaders need to create success and fulfillment for themselves as well as those they serve. 

How is Next Level Leadership different?

NLL takes a very holistic approach to leadership and life. It is led by Kimberly Spreen-Glick who has been a leader in the health, wellness and personal development world for over 30 years. For 15+ of those years, you would find Kimberly creating national programs, developing business plans and managing teams as well as delivering workshops and lectures at conferences all over the world. Kimberly is sharing what she’s learned with you because she is fueled by her desire and passion for empowering others to take their work and their lives to the “next level” so they can live their best lives while helping others do the same.

Is Next Level Leadership for me?

No matter where you are on your path, this program and community can offer you support and positive momentum. If you’re just getting started in leadership and want to inspire and help others – we’ve got your back. If you’re feeling stuck and/or unmotivated – we’ve got your back. If you’re feeling burned out and exhausted – we’ve got your back. And if you’re already on top of the world with your life and career – we’ll help you keep it that way…and make it even better!! NLL is for ANYONE who wants to own his/her greatness to be able to inspire others while living their own best life.

How do I access the content within the community?

There are 3 easy-to-use platforms that help us make the magic come to life:

  1. Facebook – this is where you'll find the Wellness Warriors FB Group - this is your study group as you go through the training. Visit anytime you want to ask questions or share any "aha moments". Most of us are already on FB so this one’s easy!
  2. Kajabi – the video modules of the course itself are available in your ‘learning hub’.
  3. Zoom – when you choose the VIP option, this is where we’ll meet up for our live strategy call. It’s a video conferencing platform so it’s the next best thing to being in a room together!

    Still have questions? Just send an email to [email protected]. Someone will respond as quickly as possible!
Let's Take It To The Next Level!
For over 30 years in the health and fitness industry, Kimberly has been blessed with many opportunities as a teacher, trainer, coach, program developer and director to work with countless great programs, companies and people. She has presented workshops on fitness, yoga and personal development at conferences all over the world and served as the national director of group fitness, yoga and indoor cycle at Life Time, the Healthy Way of Life Company for 10 years.
Kimberly is the 2015 IDEA Program Director of the Year, an ERYT and YACEP with the Yoga Alliance, co-creator of the 5 Star Instructor Development program and EMPOWER! Events as well as founder of The Inspired Life, LLC and star of several highly acclaimed exercise videos.
After many years of diving deeper into the study of personal development, positive psychology and happiness, Kimberly chose to step away from the corporate world in 2017 to begin The Inspired Life, LLC. She now happily focuses her time and energy on being a mom as well as living out her passion for helping other leaders live their happiest, most inspired life while being the Difference Makers they came here to be.
According to Kimberly, “We’re all in this together…and together, we’re so much stronger than any one of us could be on our own.”

Next Level Leadership is proudly brought to you by The Inspired Life University




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